Berita politik prabowo subianto yang humanis, berani dan tegas

Putra Dokter Boyke Setiawan Bongkar Arsip Proposal Prabowo Subianto untuk Mendirikan SMA Taruna Nusantara pada Tahun 1988

Prabowo Subianto, president-elect for 2024-2029, played a role in the establishment of Taruna Nusantara High School, which is currently one of Indonesia’s prestigious high schools. Dirgayuza Setiawan, the son of the late Dr. dr. Boyke Setiawan, who was a trusted associate of Prabowo, revealed a proposal for the founding of Taruna Nusantara High School in 1988, which is still kept in his late father’s closet.

In a recent Instagram story post, Dirgayuza shared how Prabowo asked him to retrieve the proposal from his father’s archive, which was submitted to the Minister of Defense and the president at that time. After a search, Dirgayuza found the document, showcasing the initial sketches, table of contents, foreword, and the timeline for the development of Taruna Nusantara High School from 1988 to 1990.

The proposal’s foreword, written by Prabowo and his team, emphasized the importance of education in nation-building, specifically in the fields of science and technology. It highlighted Indonesia’s abundant resources and talented youth, suggesting that it would be a missed opportunity not to provide them with appropriate education tailored to their abilities.

The establishment of Taruna Nusantara High School aimed to provide adequate educational facilities to cultivate the potential of Indonesian youth, ultimately contributing to the nation’s development in the future. The proposal, signed by Prabowo and Boyke with their initials PS and BS respectively, reflected their commitment to advancing education and ensuring Indonesia’s competitiveness in the global arena of science and technology.

Dirgayuza’s revelation sheds light on Prabowo’s longstanding involvement in educational initiatives, showcasing his dedication to empowering future generations through quality education.

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